About Us


For Help or Advice Call Us: (613) 354-0264

Please do not email about patients in distress!
If you’d like more information in the following areas, send us an email!

Fundraising & Events Info: sandypineswc@gmail.com

Volunteering Inquiries: volunteerspwc@gmail.com

Education Outreach: educationspwc@gmail.com

General Inquiries: sandypineswc@gmail.com

If you find an injured or orphaned wild animal please call us immediately at 613-354-0264 to get further advice. 

We do experience high volumes of telephone calls.  If you are directed to our answering service – leave a message and someone will return your call ASAP.  Please do not email about patients in distress, calling will ensure the patient is attended to sooner.  Thank you!